Group Classes

Sit! Stay! Play! is dedicated to enhancing the human-canine bond through training services designed for dogs and their people. Using reward-based training methods, we provide effective practical training based on up-to-date information from learning and behavioral science. We pledge to respect each and every dog and owner by recognizing and responding to their individual needs.

Dog training at Sit! Stay! Play! emphasizes communication between human and dog. Dogs are encouraged to make the right choices by rewarding success. Using a wide variety of techniques, training at Sit! Stay! Play! follows the guidelines of the Certification Council of Professional Dog Trainers , the American Veterinary Society for Animal Behavior, and the Association of Professional Dog Trainers.

Group Classes

Puppy Kindergarten

Puppy Kindergarten 

This class is primarily taught off-leash and emphasizes controlled social interactions between puppies, relationship building between the puppy and owner, and the introduction of new experiences in a safe, fun environment. Name response, body handling, impulse control, confidence building, sit, down, walking politely on a leash, and come when called are introduced and puppy social skills are practiced. Puppies may join this open enrollment class at any time. Classes typically have between 3 and 12 puppies in attendance. Dogs may be divided into groups to meet the physical and emotional needs of puppies 8 – 20 weeks of age. The AKC STAR puppy test is offered to qualified dogs. 

• Please contact us for current pricing.

Adolescent Manners 1 & 2

This class is limited to six youngsters and addresses basic manners while keeping the needs of the adolescent puppy and the owner in mind. This class is taught on leash although there may be some managed social interaction. In two four-week sessions the youngsters are taught name recognition, gotcha, doggie zen, leave it, come when called, sit, down, stand, stay, and walk politely on a loose leash. An emphasis is placed on self-control in this class and each dog moves through the lessons at their own pace. The AKC STAR puppy test is offered to qualified dogs on the last week of the second set of classes. 

• Please contact us for current pricing.

Moving On Up

Moving On Up is a four-week continuation of Basic Obedience and Manners 2 emphasizing loose leash walking, wait, attention, and sits, downs and stands with increases in distance, duration, and distractions.  

• Please contact us for current pricing.

Really Reliable Recall Class

The Really Reliable Recall Class will present the skills needed to teach your dog to come each and every time you call no matter what else is happening in the environment. During this four-week level-two class you will learn the skills to implement and practice the RRR. This class does not meet consecutive weeks. A schedule will be posted. When possible, one class is held in an secure off-site location. 

• Please contact us for current pricing.

Basic Obedience and Manners

Basic Obedience and Manners is designed for dogs over the age of 12 months, but can accommodate the needs of dogs four months and older. This five-week class is limited to six dogs and emphasizes the integration of learned behaviors into everyday life. Name recognition, gotcha, doggie zen, come when called, loose leash walking, leave it, sit, down, and stay are taught with life goals in mind.

• Please contact us for current pricing.

Moving On Up

Moving On Up is a six-week continuation of Basic Obedience and Manners emphasizing loose leash walking, wait, attention, and sits, downs and stands with distance, duration, and distraction

• Please contact us for current pricing.

Really Reliable Recall Class
he Really Reliable Recall Class will present the skills needed to teach your dog to come each and every time you call no matter what else is happening in the environment. During this four-week level-two class you will learn the skills to implement and practice the program.(This class does not meet consecutive weeks. A schedule will be posted. When possible, one class is held in a secure off-site location).

• Please contact us for current pricing.

Focus and Control

Focus and Control is for dogs that are unable to relax and focus in distracting, stimulating, and stressful environments. Exercises in impulse control, attention, waiting, calm releases, mat work, and crate training are taught. This class is a great starting point for dogs that may participate in performance events. Focus and Control is appropriate for dogs that are mildly reactive, but is not intended for aggressive or overly reactive dogs.

• Please contact us for current pricing.

Control Unleashed 1 & 2

Control Unleashed is a two session four-week level-two classed based on the book and videos by Leslie McDevitt. This class is designed to help teach dogs focus and self-control. Basic obedience is a prerequisite for this class. Control Unleashed is not appropriate for overly reactive or aggressive dogs. 

• Please contact us for current pricing.

Play With Your Dog

Play With Your Dog teaches teamwork between you and your dog. Often dogs in our PWYD classes have never learned to play with humans or toys so we address ways to teach dogs to enjoy play. We make at least one toy, learn the rules of engagement for tug, introduce object play, play with puzzle toys and food dispensing toys, and teach you how to use toys as reinforcement. There is no prerequisite for this four-week class. 

• Please contact us for current pricing.


Tricks classes are taught in four-week sessions. Using targeting, shaping, and luring dogs learn many behaviors including shake, high-five, crawl, take a bow, move backwards, spin, touch, kiss, cop cop, say your prayers, and roll over. There is no prerequisite for this class, but basic obedience skills are helpful. Students may choose to participate in the Do More With Your Dog program to earn Trick Dog Titles! 

• Please contact us for current pricing.

Canine Good Citizen Preparation Class and Test

This class is for anyone interested in obtaining the CGC award given by the American Kennel Club. A test designed to show that your dog will behave in public and respond to simple cues such as, sit, down, come, stay, and loose leash walking is administered at the completion of the class. The test may be taken without attending the class.

• Please contact us for current pricing.

Taking It on the Road

Taking it on the road is level two class designed to allow you to practice basic manners in public. This class meets in various locations around town once per month and is open to any graduates of our level one classes.

• Please contact us for current pricing.